Thursday, November 01, 2012

Election Turning Point

Three prominent Republican leaders endorsed or essentially endorsed Obama over Romney this week:

Colin Powell.

Michael Bloomberg.

Chris Christie.

Over my many decades of following and reporting on Presidential elections, I do not recall anything of this magnitude ever happening before.

All three clearly see that Obama represents our future and Romney is nothing more than a (dangerous) relic of our past.


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Obama Will Be Re-Elected

After reviewing all the polls, as I always do each election cycle, this is the best estimate of the outcome next week.

Of course, things could still change. But, from a statistical perspective, I doubt it.

The real question facing this country now is not who will win the election, because that will be the incumbent President, but what he will do with that second term.

It's soon time to put aside all of the partisan politics, the heated rhetoric, and begin to rebuild America.

Let's hope President Obama is up to that challenge.

Once he wins this election, which will happen mid-evening next Tuesday, that work will be his burden to bear.


The Meaning of Champions

Wow, for some reason, according to Google Analytics, my last post got 240 visitors. This is weird, because as a blogger I am so far off the grid that you have to know about me to find me. I long ago had to shut off any access by Google or any other search engine, after a supposed friend clicked too many times on my site and got me disqualified for Google Ad income, thus permanently consigning me to the free blogger category.

Thanks a lot, supposed friend, although I know you did it with the best of intentions.

Of course, Google and its algorithms cares not for the best of intentions.

Today, the very special city of San Francisco celebrated its second World Series Championship in three years. If you have not seen the parade and the speeches, maybe you should, especially if you do not live around here.

Because everyone who spoke, and everyone who contributed to this championship, gets it. They all know that the only way any of us can accomplish anything meaningful in this world is if we work together.


Soon, we have an election. That is far more important than baseball, obviously.

I am saddened and appalled to have relatives and friends who support Mitt Romney for President at this point. If you are reading these words, I am very disappointed that you would betray your own best interests, not to mention those of your children and grandchildren, to vote for a man who does not even admit that global climate change will affect the future of the human race, because he is so politically manipulative that he will say or do anything to gain power.

Romney at this moment is the most dangerous man in America. He is the champion of ignorance. I may not much like or support Obama but he is a hell of a better choice for President than a billionaire member of a religious cult who could care less about any of us who are struggling just to survive.

There you go. If 240 people read this one, and take in my message, whether you agree with me or not, that's a good thing for the future of this country! On Tuesday please vote your heart and mind.


Sunday, October 28, 2012

World Champion City

Fireworks, cheers, horns honking. Helicopters overhead, crowds gather on the corners with banners and flags.

For the second time in three years, the Giants are the World Series Champions!

It couldn't happen to a better city.

Nevertheless, I feel bad for my childhood heroes, the Tigers, who were swept in four straight games by the Giants.

My teen boys were watching with me tonight, my oldest son and daughters were all in touch by phone and text. From five different locations, the seven of us celebrated the moment together...
