I have trouble finding the extra energy to post regularly to this blog these days due to my work schedule. Working 12-hour days at age 67.5+ probably is not the wisest lifestyle. But I am enjoying my work at KQED and the walking commute that bookends my weekdays helps a lot.
I couldn't work this hard and also drive an hour both ways.
I'm particularly enjoying being the temporary executive producer of Newsroom. That gig goes until early January. I still have enough of an ego that is nice to see my name last in the credit roll. I've been playing an increasingly active role in the position, because I think that's my role and that's what helps the team.
Last night's program featured two local conservatives on the show along with our usual liberals. I am proud of that too.
Today my youngest and I went shopping. It's been raining lately so we bought her a raincoat -- not something that has been needed here during our unending drought. (These rains do not help alleviate the effects of that drought.)
She also got a new bag. I think that made her happy.