Saturday, January 04, 2014

The View From Here

This photo was shot earlier in the week from high above Lake Tahoe by Aidan, who was snow-boarding.

Today an independent film crew came by to film me talking about my first book, Circle of Poison, co-authored with Mark Schapiro. That book was published 33 years ago but continues to draw interest from people concerned about the global effects of pesticides on our health and environment.

The crew stayed around after the session and filmed me in my apartment as I dug out old copies of translations of the book, posters, and other materials.

It was a more personal look at my life as a writer than anyone else has filmed, and I'm sure most of it will land on the cutting room floor.

But I am thinking of asking them to save that excess footage for my children and grandchildren to see after I am gone.

Good idea?


Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Happy New Year 2014!

Thanks to text messages I could follow my two youngest sons' progress yesterday, New Year's Eve, as they drove back to the city from Lake Tahoe. Also, we stayed in touch as they partied late into the night. Dylan got here around 2 a.m.; Aidan to his Mom's house about 3 a.m. or after.

Today Dylan went back up to Tahoe with friends, and texted me about his progress. This works for a nervous parent like me.

Aidan recovered from hard partying. I went over to El Cerrito and a BBQ cooked by my son-in-law Loic. Peter flew back to Seattle. Aidan's spending tonight with me; we both have to work the next two days.

Happy New Year everyone.
