Got up early, fed the cats, checked on the status of my kids' flight heading here from Atlanta, then drove off on the first of three errands today. To the supermarket to buy food and supplies now there will be four of us here, not just one.
About an hour before heading to the airport, the gathered up the cats and their gear and took them back over to Bernal Heights. They didn't like being confined to their cat carriers at all, but once inside their familiar home they both calmed down and if cats could smile, they were smiling.
Then off on the third and most important trip of the day -- greeting my tens at the airport. They're tall so I can spot them from quite a ways away. All three give great hugs. They brought me stories of their journeys (to New York and Vermont, besides Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island.
The Northeast is so relatively compact compared to Northern California -- here they could have traveled just as far and not left the state.
I got them Mexican food for lunch and now they are resting up for their trip at their Mom's and will be over here presently. Dads can smile and I'm smiling.