Friday, January 26, 2018

Back to College

On Wednesday, Julia, Aidan and his girlfriend, Kelsey, picked me up at KQED and we had lunch at Cafe Taboo.

On Thursday I went for my first eye appointment in four years. No surprise: my eyesight has worsened considerably.

Last night, I drove to Bernal and we had a going-back-to-college party for Julia.

She has long, red-dyed hair and some new ear piercings. She looks great!

I got there well before the party and she and I completed her FAFSA application.

Tomorrow she flies back to Baltimore and her second semester at Goucher College.


Sunday, January 21, 2018


In San Jose yesterday we finally were all well enough and able to gather to celebrate the recent birthdays of James (11) and Daisy (4). These are the oldest and youngest of my grandchildren.

Sarah and Laila had saved the presents I ordered for the kids for this event so I actually got to see the kids open the presents I gave them. (I missed the family Christmas party because I was sick.) They were charming in thanking me and all the other kids were great as well.

Peter and Claire came by and we went to the Atlas Cafe for coffee  before heading down 280 to San Jose. On the way we stopped at a giant Target (first time I've been there in years) so they could buy presents and some supplies.

Laila, Loic and kids drove me back.

I would not drive myself because I have been having vision problems lately -- things a half block ahead are fuzzy. I'm going to the eye doctor this week to see what is wrong.

Anyway it was a great day and the first time I had seen any of them since before the holidays.
