Friday, April 07, 2006

Hurricanes need new names!

Just think about all the little Katrinas and Ritas out there who have to grow up with a big cloud over their names now. I think it's time for U.S. officials to STOP using human names and develop anopther naming protocol for tropical storms. There is an alternative system they have to use once they've run through the alphabet -- alpha, beta, etc.

Maybe that should be the primary naming system henceforth. Or someone can come up with something else. But it seems unfair to continue to ruin perfectly nice people names by attaching them to natural disasters. After all, as a bumper sticker we saw in Biloxi put it: "Camille was a lady but Katrina was a bitch!" (Camille, of course, was the last devastating hurricane to wreck the Gulf Coast.)


Stream said...

On a lighter note, this reminds me of an Onion spoof from a while back: "National Weather Service To Give Hurricanes Full Names"...

Anjuli said...

My daughter is named Katrina and we arrived in the States from Africa- to warnings of Hurricane Katrina coming. Ironically, my daughter's birthday is August 29th- and that was the very day Katrina hit Louisiana- and then headlines blared, "Katrina tears path of destruction"-"Killer Katrina" and "Katrina's chaos"