Sunday, May 07, 2006

What's Love Got To Do With It?

We live in such a competitive society, where money rules almost every aspect of our lives, it's often hard to find any other value system outside of pure capitalism to identify with in 2006. This is one big reason that religious fundamentalism is growing in influence, because it offers a type of comfort no alternative political ideology or alternative economic model can provide.

A couple years ago, I made a new friend, who said her philosophy was that focusing on friendships would be better -- that we could screw the system by creating an alternative value structure. I agreed with her. We tried.

But the momentum around us proved too great. And we, ourselves, chose love for each other over friendship. We too privatized our relationship. Maybe that is the fatal flaw for all romantics? In a world such as this one, what place is there, finally, for love?

If the most jaded and cynical among us are right, the answer to my question is "no place at all." God may or may not be dead. But love certainly seems to be.

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