Sunday, December 31, 2006

Akemashite Omedeto!*


Sensoji Temple

Philip Stark's rendition of beer foam graces the top of Asahi Beer's building. The locals call it the "Poop Building."

Pachinko Entrer


Fish in window



I tried to include a shot of me with my new friend, Tanuki, a drunken raccoon who graces the front of many a pub throughout Japan. But when I try to upload the image of Tanuki and me, we appear sideways, which in his case (since he is a drunk) makes sense. But when I ask my Japanese friends why Tanuki is a beloved fairy tale character, they say, "Your society just has to be around for a few more centuries, then you will understand why a drunken raccoon is a loveable character to us."

Anyway, since that photo upload failed, I leave you with this, as the year 2006 deserts us here in Japan, roughly an hour from now. That will still be 14 hours before the ball drops in Times Square. But here, there, or wherever I may be, as those who have known me the longest understand, there is one vegetable that is my eternal favorite. I have to admit I've never seen fatter ones than here, in the land of slender people.

Even though this too loads sideways, let that be my way of slipping into 2007! May yours be blessed with happiness, love, riches, good health, and exciting new developments!

(Mine will!)


* (Happy New Year!)

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