Saturday, July 14, 2007

Warm Night's Party

The wedding season has begun; guests are arriving from all over the world. Yesterday was shopping, cooking and partying day -- the weather was perfect, hot all day and warm all night.

As usual, I cooked enough for a battalion, when a brigade is what showed up. Not to worry: Lots of leftovers for lots of mouths.

The garden was just bursting with ripeness; everything blooms in this weather.

Young people, in the 20s and 30s, laugh so much more than oldsters in our 50s and 60s. We smile at them, their beauty and vitality, but the truth is something is usually hurting in us, often more than one thing.

Those in the 40s alternate their moods, caught, as they are, in their inevitable mid-life crises.

The stock market is soaring. Apple closed the week just about a quarter-point under $138. With real estate stalling, I guess all that money people have has to be parked somewhere.

I want to be a farmer... grow things.

...and to be a more active part of the web of life.


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