Wednesday, August 29, 2007

American Salaryman

In Japan, the typical married man is known as a Salaryman. He works from early in the morning until late at night (9ish), probably at one of the big companies that dominate the Japanese economy. After work, he likely goes out drinking with his boss and/or colleagues. He staggers home drunk somewhere around midnight.

He barely knows his wife, really, or his children, if any.


In America, we go to our offices early enough but we try to come home at night before the dinner hour, often to wives/partners who will be pissed off if we are late, especially if there are children at home. We know our partners; often they are our best friends. We know our kids.

As an American Salaryman, albeit of the older variety, my version of the work-life balance has long been to take my kids to work with me when circumstances dictate. It's the end of summer now, after vacations and camps, with the start of school still a week away.

These photos are from yesterday, when my youngest daughter went to work with me.


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