Friday, May 23, 2008

Open Letter to Democratic Super Delegates: Dump Hillary

It's time for you to endorse Barack Obama and soundly reject Hillary Clinton, for the good of your party and this nation.

Why? If the Democratic Party stands for anything, it is for racial equality in an era when the Republican Party has all too often been willing to pander to those racist remnants still extant in our society.

Today, according to AP, Sen. Clinton responded to a question from the Sioux Falls Argus Leader editorial board about calls for her to drop out of the race, by saying: "...We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California. You know I just, I don't understand it," she said, dismissing the idea of abandoning the race.

This is simply the latest in a series of underhanded attempts by both Clintons to imply that a black person cannot be a viable candidate, due to various factors, including the possibility of assassination.

As people in African-American communities across the U.S. can attest, one of the greatest fears they harbor is that someone will kill Obama, just as someone killed so many other leaders, including Malcolm X, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Bobby Kennedy.

Sen. Clinton's strategic decision to play on these fears in order to mobilize the one big constituency that backs her -- working class whites -- is reprehensible. I do not recall an example of naked ambition of this magnitude in the past four decades of Democratic Party politics.

Not to mention the callousness of her referencing RFK's murder even as the Kennedy family -- and the nation -- is trying to absorb the emotional impact of the news that Sen. Ted Kennedy has malignant brain cancer.

Upon learning today about what Clinton did, I could not help but remember Bobby Kennedy's greatest speech, IMHO. Thanks to YouTube, I can offer that to you here:

It is your responsibility to tell Hillary this: You've demeaned everything you claim to stand for. We do not need racists, as Ted Kennedy would be the first to tell you.

After all, he endorsed Sen. Obama.


1 comment:

DanogramUSA said...


One perceptive quote from the Daily News, “We have seen an X-ray of a very dark soul”...

Hillary was the wife of Bill at a time when rapture filled the hearts of many followers. That rapture, some 4 presidential terms ago, blinded many to some very disturbing history already documented about Mr. and Mrs. Clinton then, as well as disturbing accusations bubbling up at the time. Leopards do not change their spots. If many who once admired this pair are now seeing Hillary more clearly for who she really is, they should also consider that she was no less Hillary then. It causes a sincere mind pause to learn how emotion can cloak reality.

It is also why I have sympathy for those in rapture for Obama.