Monday, June 30, 2008

1,000 Fires

The northern coast of our state is blanketed not only with seasonally appropriate fog, but with the smoke of 1,000 angry fires igniting a countryside tinder-dry from the effects of a record drought. One lightning storm (without rain) set most of these fires off spontaneously a little over a week ago.

My younger kids called last Tuesday night from a pay phone in their campground deep in the Sierra to say there was a 50-50% chance they would be evacuated on Thursday. That never did happen, but they smelled smoke in the air all the rest of the week until they returned home Saturday.

I was taking care of Charlie Russell here. And worrying not only about my kids but about my friend Allan's house in Big Sur, where one of the worst fires is bearing down on his property, and if the weather doesn't help, it may reach there tomorrow. He lives next door to Esalen, which is also threatened.


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