Monday, January 12, 2009

New Beginnings, New Games

It's easy to see why for so many of us California is a land of magic. Not only can you pursue dreams that may seem unachievable elsewhere here, you'll probably meet a movie star or two, make more money than you thought possible, and eat the best fruits and vegetables available on this continent.

Furthermore, whenever you may feel down and out, new growth springs out of our rich soils, reminding you that life renews itself, season after season, regardless what we mere humans do to mess things up.

Today was an incredibly warm day with temps in the 70s. Tonight's was a lovely sunset. The rest of this post is devoted to photos of my athletic son's futsol and basketball triumphs yesterday and today.

These gave me more pleasure than I can express. Have you thought about why games matter? Because we are hard-wired to learn through playing games. Games are a vital part of how we have evolved, not to mention how we continue to evolve, as a species.

Games are at least as important as school, work, or love. Think about that.

His team won these games, thanks in no small part to his play. The best part of tonight's basketball victory was Aidan played point guard the entire second half with the four substitute players who usually sit on the bench. His job was to distribute the ball to each of them so they got some chances to score baskets. Before the game was over, he'd succeeded and his grin was as wide as I've ever seen it.

Everybody on the team had scored. The final tally was 29-7 and their team is now 4-0 for the season.


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