Saturday, April 18, 2009

Summer in April: A Father's Story

It was hot, sunny, and clear in the City today, a perfect day for soccer. That both of the teams my kids play on lost is immaterial. That's one of the things team sports gives a kid, the experience of loss. It hurts, but you have to go on. There are some good things to draw from a loss. It isn't the end of the world. Therefore, today was a perfect day for all of us.

There's another game next week, next month, next year. Competition in sports is always intense. The older and bigger you get, the harder it becomes. But today, for the first time, my 10-year-old told me, "I do get competitive in games." She was responding to someone's comment that she has started to learn how to throw her weight around, use her body to knock into other players when that is what's called for.

"Thunderfoot," her nickname, is perfect. She has an awesome kick.

As for her 14-year-old brother, other parents call him "The Gazelle," for the way he glides over the pitch, seemingly in the right place at the right time, over and over. Playing defense, he must have stolen the ball and reversed its course 20 times today, several times almost resulting in goals for his team as a result.

I am sunburned tonight. I'm also ill, a frequent problem these weeks, but nothing to be concerned about.

Mainly I am a proud Dad. With absolutely no worries or doubts. My life is perfect just as it is. I certainly know much more about loss than gain. Both have their virtues. My loss is not your gain. My loss is my gain.

I sense good things coming for me -- new people, new opportunities, new success.

Those who lose me, however, by their choice, that will be their loss. So be it.


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