Saturday, May 23, 2009

Heart Spending

It's cold in San Francisco. Hot Mexican food. Cut flowers. Sick kids finally getting better. Catching up to my blogs. If you don't turn on the speed, they zoom away from you. Out of control.

During several recent visits to the suburbs, it was a different sort of pace. Many more trees than people, for one thing.

Coastal fog reaches there, only after clearing higher bluffs than guard San Francisco. As hilly as our city is in places, along Ocean Beach to the west, it is flat, so flat that the sands frequently close the Great Highway on windy days.

I've been vocal in my coverage of the attempt by CNN correspondent Victoria De La Cruz to organize support for her 27-year-old brother, Eric, who is dying from a rare heart condition. Unless he is cleared in time and receives a heart transplant, he doesn't have much time left.

Over at Sidewalk Images, our archive is approaching 580 photos.

The Japanese have a saying: "spending your heart." It means living and relating to others in such a way that you devote some of the finite capital in your heart on their behalf. It's generally has a positive sense.


セレブラブ said...


夏フェス!! said...

夏フェス一緒に行ってくれる人募集!!夏の思い出一緒につくろぉ☆ 連絡してね♪