Tuesday, July 21, 2009

GOP DimWit Hopes to Destroy American Families


My ongoing attempts to keep my family insured were dealt another setback yesterday when the company (Predictify) that laid me off last January folded its operations. Thus, five months' work to obtain coverage under Cal-Cobra came to naught. We no longer qualify.

In this context, the comments of Republican Senator Jim DeMint about President Barack Obama's attempts to reform our dysfunctional health care system literally sickened me. This is what DimWit had to say:"If we're able to stop Obama on this, it will be his Waterloo. It will break him."

You know, DimWit, you and your ilk are what's broken in this country. You have nothing constructive to offer the national debate that is occurring over how to reform such a broken, wasteful, illogical system. But that is no surprise because all you and your kind care about is the game of politics -- attack politics at that.

You clearly not only lack a functional brain, you have an empty spot where your heart should be. You are therefore public enemy No. 1 of my family and families all across this land. I now favor a national health plan that covers everyone in the country except Jim DeMint and his family.

May they end up roaming the streets endlessly, begging for care, but receiving only the scorn of Hell they so richly deserve.


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