Friday, February 19, 2010

A Tree on a Hill

This is meant to resemble a tree in Alamo Square, where I've spent time with a few friends and my kids during the past three months. You can live in a city for decades, as I have in this one, and never get to know certain neighborhoods, but for a number of reasons, my chance to get to know the Alamo Square area finally arrived.

It is a heavily residential neighborhood, with high-rise apartment buildings among picture-perfect rows of Victorians -- so perfect they are the ones that grace many a postcard sent from San Francisco.

Thus, busloads of tourists stop here, competing with the locals walking their dogs, playing frisbee, or reading on the benches.

I'd visited this park a few times over the years, but never had gotten to know it. During the holidays, while recuperating nearby, I spotted the tree, a Monterey Pine I believe, its branches permanently bent (but not broken) by the westward wind.

It stands on the southwest side of Alamo Square, and for whatever reason, I identify closely with it, especially when I view myself through the eyes of my children, who visited me often while I was staying there.


1 comment:

Anjuli said...

'bent but not broken'- what a wonderful thing to see and to relate to. If more of us can 'bend' and not 'break' this would marvelous.