Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Silence Descends

My neighbor friend fixed the new doorknobs that replaced those that refused to work any longer -- a small thing, perhaps, but earning my deep gratitude (plus some small presents I will accumulate for him) in return. My daughter and I got cookies after school from a nearby shop. Tender little onion shoots are visible now in the front and back of the house and way back in the garden.

Just small moments from a day. It's never easy being ill, and you can't blog much during a period of illness. Off of pain medications, however = a good thing. The world is very quiet; sometimes it seems everyone has forgotten you, but most likely they are just caught up in their own noise.

I've got writer's block this week -- professionally and personally. Nothing important to say to anybody. Just trying to absorb yesterday's tragic news that the brother of a friend has brain cancer that is inoperable.

A good man, a good husband, father, brother and member of the community, someone I have deeply respected for decades. One more reminder that there is no fairness or justice in life.

Another story with no meaning for children; no lesson to be learned, no silver lining, no nappy ending.


1 comment:

Anjuli said...

thank God for good neighbors.

So sorry to hear of your dear friend!