Friday, June 10, 2011

Second in a Series

There's a perch from which you can watch any chunk of this city that interests you. This one, which I visit regularly these days, lets you monitor the traffic leaving downtown along Interstate 280 heading south.

My youngest son noted today that he often sees cars as well as people he recognizes all over town. Today, for instance, he saw a distinctive van downtown when I was dropping him off for a most unlikely venue -- a shopping mall where two girls were waiting to shop with him. (He hates shopping.)

Then he saw the same van a few hours later, parked a couple blocks from here, when I brought him home.

That led to speculation of how many times we pass within a block of somebody we know, used to know, or will in the future know without either of us realizing it.

Timing is everything...


1 comment:

Anjuli said...

It is so interesting to ponder this-- I know quite a few books or movies have been based on this very theme. Timing is so important.