Friday, September 30, 2011

In a Nutshell

I'm not sure when I've seen tomato plants go this crazy before -- they've soared into giant bushes, although they are bearing very little fruit.

It's the weekend. Watching my young coach work with his team tonight, several other parents and I agreed he seems to know what he is doing.

The team is 2-1 with their fourth game tomorrow in Golden Gate Park. Problem is this is a huge free concert weekend and the area will be clogged with people and cars.

Beyond logistics, it should be another good game, after their 1-0, 1-2 and 2-0 contests.

He also played two games himself this week; his team is 6-3, one point out of the playoff race with seven games to go.

Whenever the rest of life becomes almost too much to bear (which was the case at times this week for me), I turn to my kids and their soccer, their homework, and their needs that I can supply -- food, clothes, drives, and so on.

It sounds mundane, and much of parenting is indeed mundane.

There isn't a lot of excitement in my life and hasn't been for a while now. I write every day, working hard for my two clients and filing my professional blog posts.

And I parent.

That's it. That's the sum of my life.

Or not.

There is much more, of course, including all that must remain secret, but for that part of the story I would have to switch over to the realm of fiction.



Anjuli said...

non fiction is often just as interesting as fiction...but we don't mind fiction :)

David Weir said...

Thanks, Anjuli.