Friday, March 30, 2012

Gold Mines

What's weird about my life these days is I spend a lot of my time profiling entrepreneurs, on the one hand, and self-published authors, on the other hand, who all stand a much better chance at becoming rich than I do.

It is a strange moment in history, and I am aware that I stand on the bleeding edge of it all.

Because I am becoming poorer and poorer as every day passes. It often feels as if we are on opposite sides of a train track. I am watching them ascend, and helping them do so with my stories, while they are watching me descend into a far less fortunate place.

Yet, it is my duty, as a father, to become rich and to do so fast. The colleges my younger kids will attend cost around $50,000 a year, some half that, but if you do the math, as their provider, it's my role to come up with this type of money.

How to do so? Is anything I write popular enough to attract this kind of reward? Here, I write for free, out of a love for writing.

But how could I write for profit?

Should I write "how-to" guides? Erotica? A guide to memoir-writing? My own memoir? A novel? A love story?

I do not have a clue and I could use some help. Some very big bills will need to be paid and the only way to make that happen is to answer these questions now.


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