Saturday, April 07, 2012

Sweet Sixteen

For my youngest son's birthday this weekend, I bought him his first smart phone, an iPhone4S. He immediately programmed Siri to speak to him in an Australian accent and asked her the meaning of life.

She indicated there is a "lack of consensus" over that question.

The meaning of life is on his mind this weekend. A year ago, when his close friend committed suicide, his birthday could be acknowledged only with a heavy heart. Today, he went to a small gathering of students and teachers remembering their friend.

As we walked away from the Verizon store on Mission Street, with his phone in his hand, my boy allowed a smile to escape his lips. "I can send messages so fast!"

If ever there were a teenage boy who deserves the label "sweet," it truly is him. Brilliant, quirky, shy, private, tall, gangly, beautiful and loving, and one to hardly ever ask for anything from his parents, he's the kind of child you love to make smile.


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