Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Crimes and Hopes

The lives of teenagers. My youngest son, out at a party last night, left his iPhone plugged into some speakers for a moment to go to the bathroom. When he returned, it had been stolen.

This is an utterly normal event in the world of teens. They organize parties that grow out of control; strangers turn up, including predators.

Last night, he learned that lesson.

It was painful for both of us. For him, because I react very badly to things like this, which he knows and which he had to brace himself for.

For me because it costs, even with "insurance," a painful $169 to get him a replacement phone, to be delivered the day after the 4th of July.

The 4th of July. This holiday means virtually nothing to me, not because I am not patriotic (I am), but because I have nothing to do on it, other than to prepare for my audit meeting next Monday, which is more like an Orwellian event than a cause for celebration.

One very nice thing about today, the day before the 4th of July, was lunch with with a lovely woman also a single parent, with a daughter slightly younger than mine.

It was sunny, we were on the waterfront, and I started remembering what it is like to talk with someone about the stuff that really matters. It's been a while, that...


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