Friday, October 12, 2012

Throwaway things

You know what the problem with memory is? At some point you have more you'd prefer to forget than remember.

Tonight, trying to erase the odor of the cat, who peed in a place I would prefer he not pee, I found an old movie ticket stub, a restaurant receipt, and a forgotten photo.

Each piece of faded paper told a story. These are stories I didn't necessarily care to recall.

Now I have to.

The problem with memories that involve people you care about or once cared about and thought also cared about you is that all of those old feelings come up again.

Luckily, since my main purpose was to get rid of the smell, I could spray the whole lot of them with chemicals and throw them away.

No more ticket stub, no more meal receipt, and let's just forget what was happening when that photo was taken.

All gone to the trash.

Smelly trash.


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