Friday, November 16, 2012


This is a topic I don't often write about, but what I love about getting my kids and grandkids together is how much laughter fills my house. Most of the time it's a quiet place, just me and the cat, who never smiles, let alone laughs.

Today's menu of castle-building, snacking, joking and jumping let to lots of laughs. It was great.

Tonight, a rainy night, it's good to be home.

I've often noted how easily and frequently young people smile and laugh. Old people, by contrast, often scowl or look worried. Our bodies hurt -- that's part of the problem. When I watch young people I don't know, I envy their apparent light-heartedness.

When I'm with the ones I know, I am much more likely to smile and laugh than when alone or with other elders.

I think I have a good sense of humor; when with others, I like to joke. But I'm rarely amused when alone. Then, it seems, only worries come to visit.

Tonight I am not alone. And I am smiling.


1 comment:

Anjuli said...

a cheerful heart is like a medicine-and a broken spirit dries up the bone. I love laughter- smiling- I do feel revived when I soak myself in it. It is always wonderful to be surrounded by loved ones.