Thursday, January 31, 2013

Day One

If you are reading these words, it is because you have accepted an invitation from Blogger (which is owned by Google) to continue to have access to my private blog, which previously was public.

It is also because I trust you and welcome you to this private space. I would encourage you to comment whenever you wish; all perspectives are always welcome.

I closed public access after being spammed relentlessly in ways that Google said might compromise my security. It necessitated in changing my password, among other measures.

In any event, I am happy to add other readers, so if you know of anyone who would like access, simply email me and I will let them in.


What I love about what I do professionally these days is interviewing young entrepreneurs. Their spirit, their hope, their embrace of the American dream. At heart, I think like a small business person. I don't like red tape or bureaucracy. I think initiative should be rewarded.

Creativity, of all types, is the lifeblood of my own spirit.

It feels as I write these words that I am re-introducing myself to you, most of whom know me so well, but for months and even years I have been carefully censoring myself on this blog, fearful of how my words might be mis-interpreted or mis-used.


Today, at Safeway, I bought six bags of groceries ($150) for my family, including a box of strawberries on special request from my grandson, Luca, who with his sister now spends two days a week here with me at my flat.

As I approached the checkout line, a much older man with only two items in his hands, stepped in front of me.

"You know, you could go to the fast checkout lane down there," I gently suggested to him.

"Yes I could, but I stopped working so long ago, now I am not looking for shortcuts. This is as good as any other way to spend my time, waiting in the slow lane."



Carol Blecker said...

Love having time for the slow lane.

Carol Blecker said...

Love taking the slow lane.