Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sunday's Sunday

My son Peter and his girlfriend, Claire, on their way to Thailand.


It's a three-day weekend, as Monday is President's Day. It's sunny and clear as the worst drought in half a millennium continues here on the coast.

I'm spending the day watching Big Ten basketball, back where it's snowy and cold. Growing up in the Midwest, I used to love these games, no matter who was playing. Just before I got to Michigan, a great basketball player from Chicago showed up. A guy named Cazzie Russell.

He was the best shooter I had ever seen, and off the court, a humble man.

I interviewed him as a young sportswriter, he was invariably polite and soft-spoken.

Ever since then, I have appreciated how sports helps kids not from the elite succeed. I have my own three stellar athletes -- Peter, Aidan, and Julia.

Julia is the only one still competing. More on her after her next game...


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