Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Flight 370

As usual, when a mystery of truly global significance emerges, I become engaged, watching CNN for hours at a time and trying to juggle whatever data can be found with my own sense of the matter at hand. When it comes to Malaysia, this is a country and people I know quite well.

Therefore, I've been struck with the apparent bias exhibited by many at CNN and in the U.S. media that because this is a Muslim nation, there could well be a terrorist connection to the disappearance of the jet.

I doubt it.

Malaysia is not Iran.

You have to have been to both countries, as I have been, to know that.

No, I have never been convinced this was an act of terror. This, I predict, will turn out to have been a mechanical failure, probably of the catastrophic variety.

The pilots fought heroically to save the jet, failed, kept trying, died most likely from smoke inhalation or oxygen loss, as no doubt, tragically, did all of the passengers before the plane ran out of fuel and crashed.

I believe it was a 'ghost flight' for many hours over the vast Indian Ocean. No one alive. The Boeing 777, even when badly disabled, is fiendishly capable of flight on its own.

A horrible end for everyone involved. But nothing like terrorism.

That is my investigative conclusion. Tonight the first confirmation of my theory may emerge, as there are unconfirmed reports of debris in the southern Indian Ocean.


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