Thursday, January 28, 2016

Our Talk

Tonight, my youngest and I had a great conversation for the first time in weeks as I was driving her to an appointment. It sounds like she is getting very comfortable back at her old high school and also that she is benefiting from her time away at Oxbow. She recently led a book group discussion about Huckleberry Finn and talked about how awkward conversations about race can be for teens, but she's glad they are doing it. She said she is completely comfortable now with public speaking.

That an English class would excite one of my kids was not a revelation but then she told me she likes Chemistry a lot and also Pre-Calc! I have to go back many, many years since one of my kids (Peter) said they really like their Science and Math classes. She said she realizes she likes the "nerdy" parts of those subjects. Since she is getting more interested in medicine as her career, this might be a very good sign.


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