Thursday, October 17, 2019


It is most definitely humbling to go through the aging process in America. You are aware you are losing your physical and mental abilities, as is everyone else, and there's only so much you can do about it -- in a positive sense.

Many things you may feel like doing will make the process worse.

You find yourself, in the best of circumstances, like mine, in a room in a small bed with two other beds and two roommates.

One speaks Cantonese, often seems angry, and thinks the people here don't want him to be here.

The other clearly is brain-damaged and asks you the same ten questions day after day. Questions about trivial matters; never anything substantive. You try to hold your patience but it's very hard to do so.

It's hard to imagine this when you are younger, when you can walk and handle other bodily functions easily.

Now, everything is an effort -- everything is work. There is little time for pleasure.


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