Wednesday, January 06, 2021

Note to All Traitors

In the aftermath of Trump's failed coup to overthrow the U.S. government, Vice-President Pence has stepped up to provide at least the semblance of leadership in this unprecedented invasion of the Capitol. No matter what your political affiliation or preference, it is time to remove Trump from office.

The 25th Amendment was passed and ratified by the states to deal with this situation. The reason that is even a better option now than impeachment is Trump will be banned from ever again holding public office in this country.

But getting rid of this monster is only the first step in what will have to be a concerted, long-term attempt to restore the rule of law and civil society to a country after its most cherished institutions have been subverted from within.

I understand that Trump's supporters are angry. They have have been lied to and manipulated into believing that "their" country has been taken from them.

Well, I have an answer for them:

As an American patriot, I am angry. I am angry at you. Many of us have tried painstakingly to warn you that Trump is a would-be dictator who is not a loyal citizen or a worthy leader but a criminal who should be prosecuted and banned from public life.

I am not alone, my voice represents the great majority of Americans. Stand back, shut up, and get prepared to defend yourself in court because every last one of you is potentially guilty of treason.

There are two sides and two sides only. Either you are a patriot or a you are traitor. Take your pick.

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