Saturday, December 04, 2021

What's Next: A New Political Chapter


As 2022 approaches, the political situation in the U.S. is unsettling. As I noted in my recent post, “Sharp Right Turn,” the activist base of the Republican Party remains in the grip of Trump extremists who feed off of the toxic wave of entrenched white grievance.

Meanwhile, the activist base of the Democratic Party remains relatively uninvolved and nonchalant about the Biden Presidency. He has never been the charismatic type like Sanders or AOC, but a pragmatist trying to prevent the existing sharp political divisions splinter the country into unreconcilable fragments.

To his credit, he has overseen an economic recovery, the successful vaccination of most of the population, and a relatively peaceful international scene, although trouble looms on all fronts.

If Russia attacks Ukraine, or if China attacks Taiwan, all bets are off in the global cold wars. Regarding the pandemic, some think Omicron, Delta and as-yet unidentified Covid variants will upset the economic recovery, but I’m not among those.

I expect the recovery to continue, the stock market to boom, and unemployment to remain low, which should in normal times guarantee Biden’s re-election in 2024. The midterms will be another story.

Among the impacts of the pandemic may be increased political extremism, and if so, we’ll get an early indication next year in the mid-term elections.

If Republicans regain control of Congress, that will effectively end Biden’s opportunity to get anything substantial done on the domestic front.

Accordingly, global issues will take over, which in and of itself is not necessarily a bad thing. The U.S. economy and military are so overwhelmingly the largest on the planet that the case can be made that any U.S. President ought to be governing not from a national perspective but much more from a global perspective anyway.

And what is best for the whole is not always what is best for the folks back home.

That is a difficult case for any politician to make. And that is why the Republicans are stuck with the likes of Kevin McCarthy and Ted Cruz — spineless nobodies who pander to the historically pampered.

White grievance is nothing more than spoiled-kid syndrome. The world has changed. America is changed. It is not a white, Christian, male-dominated society and never will be again.

Get over it or get out of the way. That is the message a true Republican leader would deliver. But where is a conservative politician like that?

As for the activist wing of the Democrats, restless with Biden’s approach, is the country ready for them? A new generation led by AOC, Omar, Mayor Pete, Beto and the like are poised to replace Sanders as charismatic leaders.

But is the country ready for them?



“Reflections of my Life”

Songwriters: William Campbell Jr / Thomas McAleese

The changing of sunlight to moonlight
Reflections of my life
Oh, how they fill my eyes

The greetings of people in trouble
Reflections of my life
Oh, how they fill my eyes

Oh, my sorrows
Sad tomorrows
Take me back to my own home

Oh, my crying (Oh, my crying)
Feel I'm dying, dying
Take me back to my own home

I'm changing, arranging
I'm changing
I'm changing everything
Everything around me

The world is
A bad place
A bad place
A terrible place to live
Oh, but I don't want to die

Oh, my sorrows
Sad tomorrows
Take me back to my own home

Oh, my crying (Oh, my crying)
Feel I'm dying, dying
Take me back to my own home

Oh, my sorrows
Sad tomorrows
Take me back to my own home

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