Thursday, January 05, 2023

The Wrench in the System

When it comes to the battle over the Speaker position in the U.S. House of Representatives, it’s hard to consider the so-called “rebels” like Gaetz and Boebert anything but a bad joke.

These are the types of people voters sent to Washington as their representatives? Then again, remember the worst joke of all time — Trump.

Despite or perhaps because of the cast of characters, we are witnessing an attack on democratic norms by the extreme right-wing faction of the Republican Party.

Republicans have been flirting with these extremists for decades, but rarely have the consequences of that flirtation been on such public display. The dissenting faction seems intent on not only embarrassing the would-be leader, Kevin McCarthy, but in roadblocking the majority caucus generally.

This, of course, is not what they would do if they were actually interested in helping govern, but it is, historically, exactly what a pro-authoritarian faction would do. My two most recent essays — Behind the Authoritarians and The Threat — have explored some of the key factors behind the rise of authoritarianism globally.

In that context. what we are witnessing most definitely is a warning sign of what’s to come if our democratic norms continue to crumble. As frustrating as the traditional two-party structure and its flawed leadership model may be at times, at least they serve as bulwarks against an anti-democratic alternative.

Over the coming days, the current state of disorder may be resolved somehow, though at present it is difficult to see how. But what I’m suggesting is that much more than who emerges as Speaker may be at stake here.



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