Thursday, February 23, 2023

Riders in the Storm

On a slow news day, frigid swirling winds from the Arctic stripped the blossoms from the plum trees and knocked the power out in these parts as a reminder of the chaotic weather sweeping through much of the rest of the country. But the skies are mostly blue here on the coast where it almost never snows.

I took four girls, two of them 9 and two of them 11, two of them granddaughters and two of them friends, to the local iHop, where they brightened the place for a couple of hours. Kids these ages have abundant energy and they seem to break into smiles every minute or two. They ordered French toast and crepes with strawberries and bananas on top, an egg and hash browns, orange juice and hot chocolate.

I ordered a pot of coffee.

Most of the other customers in the place were like me — i.e., old. Older people don’t smile very often and when they do, it often resembles a grimace rather than the real deal. But they do smile at kids and that’s a fact.

So I figured I was doing the whole place a favor by bringing my four lively little companions in for a visit.

Aging is relentless. Many of the working parts on an old person get creaky, you get pains where you didn’t even know something that vulnerable existed. An old man at the restaurant was curious why the girls weren’t at school. “President’s Week” I replied, although come to think, it may actually be “Ski Week.” To tell the truth, I’m not sure when or why this turned into a week’s vacation but the kids are glad it did.

They’d been up late the night before at their sleepover, and two of them wore pajama pants to the restaurant. They all huddled over a phone and giggled as they experimented with an app that created photos of them with wild hair and mustaches. Ours was by far the liveliest table in the joint. The old folks ate their meals, mostly in silence, occasionally looking up and over at the action.

When they did, they smiled. The real deal.

Afterward, as I drove us all back up the hill, I noticed blossoms blowing in the wind. A large cloud moved in from the north, casting a shadow like an alien spaceship. I shivered. Yes, it was a slow news day.



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