Monday, March 06, 2023

Going Away

 In an article called “The End of the English Major,” the New Yorker recently noted that “enrollment in the humanities is in free fall at colleges around the country,” and asks “What happened?

That not a difficult question for anyone with college-aged kids to answer.

It’s the economy, stupid.* 

Paying for college is already a stretch for many families, and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that majoring in rocket science, for example, is probably going to result in a far more lucrative career than any of the humanities, assuming those majoring in the latter can find decent jobs at all.

Of course, those are the words of a parent of three 20-somethings who all majored in the humanities and have struggled to fit into an economy that is daunting in ways it didn’t seem to be not that long ago.

Engineers, developers, coders of all stripes can find work, even though tech stocks may be down at the moment, but prospects are less clear for those who specialize in history, literature, or the social sciences generally.

There’s more than a little irony here that at the very time logical thinking as brought us AI and robotic replacements for many human activities, and we need those grounded in the humanities to keep our bearings as human beings, we are eliminating their jobs right and left.

What worries me is that by channeling so much effort into technology, and rewarding people accordingly, we are endangersing much of what makes us human in the first place.

*(James Carville.)


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