Saturday, July 01, 2023

Cheap Shot

 Sometimes various forces in society combine to do something that makes us all look foolish. The Supreme Court decision wiping out the plan to forgive student loan debt is one of those actions.

President Biden’s plan has always been controversial with older people. Many conservatives opposed it because it is expensive; others objected on the principle that all debts must be repaid no matter what.

When it comes to such matters, on a personal level, I’ve always been averse to incurring debts and when it’s been necessary to do so, I try to pay them off as quickly as possible. I want to live within my means.

But I’m relatively fortunate. In today’s world we have millions of young people who have been raised in a manner that makes the crushing weight of student loans almost inevitable. They are told they won’t be able to get a decent job without a college degree, and the cost of getting one has steadily escalated over the years.

Then they got hit with Covid, a double whammy. Gen Z is reeling.

Perhaps the most disingenuous objection to debt relief for the young comes from certain people who say, “I paid off my loan. Why should they get a free ride?”

That’s what makes us all look small. Empathy for the youngest members of society is too often lacking, and that makes those of us living in richest land on earth look downright cheap.


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