Monday, October 16, 2023

Tragic Cycle

The problem with trying to write about the situation in Israel and Gaza dispassionately is one of framing. The latest iteration in the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians started with the shockingly brutal murders of over a thousand Israeli citizens by Hamas invaders in what can only be described as an act of terrorism on October 7th.

The roots of the conflict go far further back, but if you take that slaughter as the starting point for the story, the subsequent bombing campaign waged in Gaza by Israel and the resulting humanitarian crisis is the next data point.

Now, a massive invasion of Gaza seems imminent.

The way this narrative will almost certainly unfold has an awful inevitability to it. Israel is bent not only on revenge but on wiping out the ability of Hamas to conduct similar operations in the future.

In order to get to Hamas, which is embedded in the civilian infrastructure and population, Israel will inflict massive collateral damage in the form of civilian casualties.

The entire world is justifiably horrified by this prospect, but there appears to be no way it can be prevented. In the process of achieving its goal, if it succeeds, Israel will ironically mobilize global opinion against it due to the the killing and maiming of innocent Palestinians, which will in turn render its victory pyrrhic in nature.

Israel will also inadvertently radicalize a new generation of young Arabs to turn against it, engendering new Hamas-style terrorists capable of future attacks.

Thus, what is about to unfold is both inevitable and pointless, because the cycle of attack and counterattack will only continue to get worse, and nothing will be resolved.

As I said, the problem with telling this story is one of framing. To understand all of the factors that led up to the October 7th attacks requires going back over the entire tortuous history of the region, back to the founding of Israel in 1948, the occupation by Israel of Palestinian lands and the many wars and human rights abuses on both sides since then.

It is ultimately a tragedy, and one that has no end in sight.



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