Friday, January 05, 2024

The Last Two

 In last night’s back-to-back town halls moderated by CNN journalists, Republican candidates Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley made their strongest pitches yet to Iowa voters.

With that state’s caucuses just days away now, the two southern politicians are the last two standing who have any chance of overtaking Donald Trump.

I doubt it will matter in the end but both have improved markedly as public speakers. They present themselves as intelligent, articulate leaders with the necessary experience to take on the most important job in the world. 

But polls show they remain far behind Trump.

Perhaps the most revealing moment for Haley was her forceful defense of U.S. support for Ukraine in the war with Russia. This came in the face of the isolationist push within her party to slow or cut off funding for Ukraine.

DeSantis was mushy on the issue. His big moment was the way he answered a canned question about the tragic death of his sister in her 30s. It was meant to show that he is capable of real feelings, given his robotic like appearance and reputation.

I thought he did a great job. (Media training works!)

Both candidates sound like war-mongers when it comes to their proposals on the border crisis and they are reliable hawks on the Middle East. Neither offers any comfort on civil rights, social justice or the environment.

At least DeSantis has toned down his anti-woke rhetoric, bringing up the topic only once, to a tepid response.

Overall, the very best thing to be said about this pair is what they would not be as president — they wouldn’t try to be dictators.

And in 2024, that is something.


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