Friday, May 17, 2024

Lie v. Lie


After monitoring the 2016 election interference trial of Donald Trump for the past several weeks, I have no clue whether he’ll be convicted or not.

The media shorthand for the case — the “hush money” trial — is misleading, as is much of the coverage of the actual issue at hand.

Prosecutors brought the case under a legal theory that Trump had filed false business documents in furtherance of a conspiracy to prevent exposure of his relationship with porn star Stormy Daniels from becoming public at a time that it might have hurt his chances in the 2016 election.

He is almost certainly guilty; common sense and a great deal of circumstantial evidence supports the prosecution theory.

The problem is proving it, as the key witness against Trump is a convicted liar, Michael Cohen. Then again Trump also is a liar, on a far grander scale and with far greater consequences than Cohen.

So what we have here is a small little man who lies compulsively facing off against a gargantuan figure who lies compulsively.

One spent time to jail for his lies, the other is the purported Republican nominee for President who may well end up in jail, at least briefly.

Mad magazine would have had a field day with this one.


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