Monday, June 03, 2024

The People's Enemy

Below are many links to stories in a wide variety of outlooks with varied points of view about The Verdict.

Ultimately, it will be up to the voters as to what this all means politically.

Now that the jury has rendered its verdict, it is up to the judge to determine the sentence. There are many factors that go into such a decision but some of them go to the character of the felon.

So it is fair to ask: Does he express remorse for his crimes? Will he apologize to his victims? Does he even admit to his guilt? Will he promise not to recommit his crimes? Does he show respect to the jury, the judge, the court? Does he represent a threat to the community?

I think we already know the answers to all those questions, so the overriding issue facing the judge is:

What do you do with the most dangerous felon in the land?



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