Monday, July 22, 2024

The Felon Meets The Prosecutor

In the end, Joe Biden did what he had to do. He ended his bid for a second term by bowing out and endorsing Vice-President Kamala Harris to replace him as the Democratic Party nominee.

Following Biden’s announcement, party leaders — including almost all the potential alternative candidates — got behind Harris. So it’s going to be her.

This means that a campaign that had been staggering since Biden’s disastrous debate performance several weeks ago is rapidly pivoting from supporting the oldest man ever to run for president to one for potentially the first woman to hold that office.

It’s way too soon to predict how this will change the dynamics of the race and I’m not going to be so rash as to do so. But the polls over the coming days and weeks may be telling a different story than the one we’ve grown accustomed to. 

This in an election year already unlike any other in memory.


I was saddened to learn Sunday night that an old friend from Michigan Daily days, Walter Shapiro, has died. Walter was a brilliant political journalist who would have had a lot to say about the coming election. Now we won’t benefit from his insights. His passing is yet another reminder how much every voice matters.  

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