Thursday, January 09, 2025

Big Man's Bluff

“My best friend, my doctor, won’t even tell me what it is that I got.” — Bob Dylan


So let’s say, for argument’s sake, that the Big Man is bluffing. That all of his bluster about invading Panama and Greenland, annexing Canada, blowing up the Middle East, slapping massive tariffs on virtually everybody, and so on is merely a bargaining tactic to get a better deal.

There is one problem with this strategy. What if the rest of the civilized world calls his bluff? What then?

Well, that’s the way the cards are being played. When it comes to the world stage, the Big Man is way over his head. By overplaying his very first hand, he risks getting his clock cleaned. And yes, that is a mixed metaphor.

We live in a time of mixed metaphors, and mixed-up thinking and mixed-up half-truths and conspiracy thinking. At such a time, what you end up with is somebody like the Big Guy.

A man who doesn’t have a clue.


My heart goes out to those suffering the effects of the wildfires in Southern California. A lot of dreams are going up in smoke down there. People say that the only thing that matters is getting out with your life, but it’s way more complicated than that. Meanwhile, the Big Man plays politics with the tragedy, revealing once again what a small person he truly is.



“But the joke was on me. there was no one even there to bluff” — Bob Dylan 

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