Saturday, January 25, 2025

Talk About It

Someone much wiser than me once said that the most radical thing we ever do is to really connect with another person. At the end of the longest (political) week in my memory, you may be feeling a bit like I do — exhausted by the sheer volume of insults to the norms that make up the fabric of our democratic system.

At a time like this, what is to be done?

We can connect. We can talk with friends, neighbors, family members, strangers about what is going on in our country. 

For those of us who long ago saw through Trump for what he is — a petty despot who aspires to be an autocrat — there is no joy in being right. We didn’t need to be right about something so wrong as the second Trump presidency.

He is bent on tearing apart the fabric of democracy thread by thread, and for now it may seem that we are powerless to prevent him from doing so. But the time will come for action against that and a broad resistance movement will form.

For now, just connect. We’ll be needing every voice soon enough.


You know, maybe I started this newsletter for times like this. 

Thank you to those who have brought my series about the Betty Van Patter case to a much larger audience — Frances DinkelspeilJacob SimasBill Berkowitz and the editors at Berkeleyside, The OaklandsideRichmondside and the Daily Kos. Collectively you’ve vastly expanded the universe of people who know about the case and maybe some good will come from that.

Also I want to thank the Rev. Kenneth L. Schmidt for referencing yesterday’s column, One Scenario, at the noon mass at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Berkeley yesterday. As I told Kenneth, I believe this is the first time my words have ever been read from a pulpit and I am honored.



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