Monday, March 03, 2025

Flipping the Script

The constituents complaining in town halls held by Republican lawmakers are an early indication that the Trump/Musk demolition of the federal bureaucracy is not going over so well back home.

But as far as Trump is concerned, these complaints don’t really matter because he has larger designs on accumulating power that are not dependent on the traditional checks and balances of our political order at all.

He cannot run for re-election under the current rules, although that’s only a minor technicality he’s looking to circumvent by the time 2028 rolls around. By then, he believes, there will be no need for further elections, as he plainly stated throughout last year’s campaign.

When he told his hordes that they wouldn’t need to worry about voting after electing him, he meant it.

To fully grasp what Trump is up to, you’ve got to take Project 2025, add Musk, Trump’s foreign policy moves, his tariffs, and his executive orders and track the trajectory of it all collectively.

To me, it’s clear that Trump hopes and intends to neutralize anyone or anything that gets in his way to attaining absolute power. The only question is how exactly he will be able to obtain his goal.

It is obvious that he believes that creating as much chaos as possible will only work in his favor now. So for example, in Trump’s twisted way of thinking, a terrorist event with mass casualties, assassination attempts, or events overseas might be opportunities for him to declare martial law and seize absolute control over all branches of government.

I believe that is what he hopes and intends to do, and that the Trump realty show is still only in its opening act.

But there’s one problem with Trump’s nightmarish scenario and that is those of us who have caught on to his game. We now need to figure out how to flip the script and eliminate his part.



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