Tuesday, November 28, 2006

What the problem is?

Just like a walking cliché, I can't buckle my belt without loosening it a notch or two this week. Not only did I eat a large volume of turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, and other fattening foods courtesy of my daughter and son-in-law, Sarah also baked pies -- lots of them. Pumpkin pie, cherry pie, blueberry pie, apple pie, and pecan pie -- each better than the last.

Peter and I both wolfed down pie for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Of course, he can absorb the calories and continue to look great. I can't.

But for just this weekend, I tried to revert to the younger man I once was, when I could eat whatever I wanted to eat, in whatever volume, and nothing showed up at my waistline as a consequence.

Well, those days are definitely gone.

While I was busy eating, my children were busy creating their latest movie. If you wish you can view it at YouTube (search under "007" or "Weirdudes.") You won't regret it. This is one of our family "businesses" -- none of which (including this blog) make much money yet, but who knows? We're still perfecting our product.


What the problem is?

Everybody around me seems to think I need to have a woman living with me in order to be happy, if I understand them correctly. Where would they get such an idea? Because I have spent most of my life married or living with a woman? Is my writing nothing more than a plaintive cry for a new life companion?

I hope not. Because I have a lot of other things to do, besides complicating my life in that same old way again. I want to travel, write, grow my own food, play with my grandson, make enough money to retire sooner than later, help my three younger kids get through college, and concentrate on growing those family businesses.

That's a full enough plate for anyone. And it surely will keep my waistline growing unless I find some new ways to burn some calories. Hmmm. That would argue for engaging in the oldest and best exercise of all. But that brings me right back to the central dilemma. How can I have it all? Or at least enough of it that I don't gain back every last pound my (temporarily) broken heart stole away from me, starting a year ago, almost to the day?

Guess I'll have to go back to working on my night moves...


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