Sunday, February 11, 2007

Sunday Morning Coming Down*

Spring-like weather greeted us today, after many days and nights of rain.

I decided to take a long walk, and up near Mission Street, this morning, and I came upon a happy couple, bathing in a street puddle.

My neighbor is planting vegetables and herbs in the backyard. She knows a lot about gardening, it seems. I told her I really have been savoring fresh basil and cilantro lately.

Why, I can't to cook even the simplest meal without using one or the other.

This is just a simple post for now. The light stays with us longer now, so when the kids got here, we got some basketball time together. I'm starting to be able to let the doors and windows stay open more often.

Now it is Sunday night, a school night. The kids' lunches are mostly ready to go, their homework is done, a lamb roast is in the oven. Courtesy of Netflix, we have Casablanca to watch this night.

It is one of Dylan's favorite movies; he cracks up at the one-liners that helped make the film a classic. It is the one overtly romantic movie I can think of among his favorites. His main interest is the interplay between the Germans and Vichy French, of course, as well as the atmosphere surrounding World War II.

It is such a classic love story; as we all know, romance has its many tragic elements. Living with a broken heart is one of life's terrible risks. Sacrificing for a greater cause can be an even larger opportunity for the romantic inside many of us.

Thus, in my view, the political Left is the most emotional ideology of them all. Utopian, egalitarian, idealistic.

Combining love and politics yields an almost toxic high. That is the story of more Sixties activists than will ever be told. Many of us still think we might be able to make a difference. Whether that is a tragic flaw will have to be left to the authors of our epitaphs...

*Johnny Cash


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