Monday, April 07, 2008

Back from the Shadows

I'm in post-root-canal mode, i.e., as the anesthetic wears off, the pain returns, but now it a different pain, still severe, but based on today's dental work, not yesterday's dying nerve.

I'll spare you, dear reader, any of the unpleasant details, except to say that I will gladly put away those bottles of pain-killers, and get back to the "normal" up-and-down cycle of each day's challenges.

Barack Obama is starting to ever so clearly pull away from Hillary Clinton in their competition for the Democratic Presidential nomination. The Rasmussen tracking poll indicates that he is ten points ahead among likely Democratic voters, 51-41.

Has a tipping point finally been reached?

The Clinton campaign had to release its top strategist this week amidst signs of a major ethical breach. They also had to release their tax returns, which reveal that they have accumulated a vast fortune since leaving the White House seven years ago. That news is not playing well among Sen. Clinton's blue-collar constituency.

Perhaps most significant of all, Obama has closed the gap in Pennsylvania's upcoming primary to ~5 points. Until recently, Clinton had maintained a healthy double-digit lead in that important state.

It's not over yet, but I think it will be soon. Obama seems positioned to claim the nomination, and that could happen over the next couple weeks.

Stay tuned.


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