Saturday, April 12, 2008

Hottest Day Yet

This was a day of soccer, "science" projects, extreme heat, lots of people coming and going, and the very special fact that for the first time this year, I got to hug my oldest son.

It's been such a strange year. I've finally begun to wonder how much longer I can afford to stay here in San Francisco. So many bills, so many disappointments, such a high cost structure.

Despite a career of successes that elsewhere would have allowed me to retire in comfort, here I am getting into progressively deeper trouble.

My lovely children are the only reason I stay here. They all do what they do.

It was way to hot for a basketball experiment, let alone a pigeon experiment, yet we did both.

When I started writing this tonight, I was in a joking mood. I wanted to write about the utterly unanticipated reality that both of my fantasy baseball teams, the Mud Lake Mafia, and the El Matate Burritos, are in first place in their leagues. I was going to joke about "dynasties" and what it feels like to always be a winner.

But, to be honest, I don't feel like a winner. So, I just cannot write that story for you, dear reader.


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