Thursday, April 24, 2008

Driving Lessons

This just in.

It’s that time of year again, time for the BNET Media Industry Award for the Best Political Report on Television, that is, in the Context of the Best Business Plan.

I’ve been an vocal admirer of Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart for several years now, but what he did on Earth Night (April 22) simply went over the top. At the end of another long Primary Tuesday skipped by the “major” networks, we needed some comic relief.


It's another lovely day in this (expensive) corner of paradise. My driving student has progressed to the point where she can circumnavigate much of this peninsula, driving 30-some miles over an hour and a half, without making any mistakes.

It's been her dream to drive through the Presidio. She did, passing this "Coyote Crossing" warning sign in the process.

Back home, the sun opened all the golden poppies.

As well as the colorful vine flowers climbing the fences.

Thanks to my older kids & my student driver, I have a new digital camera, with a 6X zoom. I'm seeing familiar things in new ways.

Like the baby plums overhead, already coming into their second color, in the green-to- yellow-to-red maturation process. This summer, I'm determined to make plum jam. If it's any good, I'll offer samples via this site. The title of this blog tonight again links to my professional blog at BNET.


1 comment:

DanogramUSA said...


Thanks for the lead to Jon Stewart's humor, I haven't watched television in a while and haven't seen his show lately. While his slant on issues is mostly the polar opposite of mine, he is a gifted comedian.

Also enjoy following your column on Bnet, left another comment for you there.

I must take exception with your reporting on your student driver though. Frankly, I think you're showing major bias here, “...driving 30-some miles for over an hour and a half, without making any mistakes.” I can't do that and I'm talking 44 years of driving with nearly 1,000,000 miles under my belt. You really need to present her with an award.
