Tuesday, April 29, 2008

No Sleep Til Book Land*

With all four pupils (two blue eyes, two brown) dilated, we made our way gingerly back across the city with its late-afternoon glare, from our annual pilgrimage to the eye doctor.

There's a new test, the M-Pod, which measures your pigment, and I was pleased to learn I scored a very good 67% on this test. I'm not sure what this means, mind you, but if Dr. Chan says it's good, that's enough for me.

Listening to NPR in my car, realizing just how badly the Democratic Party is splitting apart along class grounds, I started wondering whether Sen. Barack Obama will indeed win his party's nomination, and then the Presidency. Maybe race is simply the stalking horse for the real issue -- class?

Political and social views tend to diverge in modern America less along racial lines than along wealth and education levels. Richer, better-educated people support Obama. Working class people, especially whites, support Sen. Hillary Clinton. There is irony here. Clinton grew up privileged and attended elite schools; Obama grew up with a single Mom, and got into good schools because he was exceptionally bright.

Thinking back to former Presidential races, there have been a number of Democratic nominees who seemed to lack the street fighter nature to wrestle with meaner Republican opponents. Think Dukakis, Mondale, Kerry. Could Obama, too, be too nice, too civilized for the job?

Nobody ever called Dick Nixon a nice guy. And few would employ that label for either Bill or Hillary Clinton, after this year's elongated campaign. I am not expressing any kind of personal preference here, but I've participated in a few campaigns myself, and I discovered an incredibly deep competitive nature within myself in the process.

Not to mention the way I played softball during my 29-year career!

My Dad raised me to compete. I learned his lesson well.

Meanwhile, on an entirely different tack, The New York Times mis-reported that pop star Miley Cyrus appeared "topless" in a Vanity Fair photo shoot. In fact she appeared "backless." This incident is the subject of my professional blog today over at BNET. Please visit it and comment, if you are so inclined.


* Apologies to the Beastie Boys

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